Insiden MH17 yang menyayatkan hati kita semua telah menyerlahkan banyak keburukan, sikap tidak bertanggungjawab dan betapa tidak adilnya negara-negara barat terutamanya media-media mereka.

Wartawan bernama Sara Firth telah meletakkan jawatan kerana membantah cara A Russia Today melaporkan insiden MH17.
A Russia Today reporter based in London has resigned with immediate effect in protest at the station’s coverage of yesterday’s plane crash in Ukraine.
Sara Firth had worked at Russia Today for five years, joining the Russian government-funded station in Moscow straight after doing an MA in journalism at City University in London. She has since been posted in London. 
Firth described the Malaysia Airlines flight crash coverage as “the straw that broke the camel’s back for me” and handed in her resignation this morning. 
Russia Today has been criticised for suggesting the crash is the fault of Ukraine. Most other media outlets have suggested that a more likely explanation is that pro-Russian separatists were responsible for shooting down to passenger jet. So far it is estimated that around 300 people died in the crash. 
“Yesterday when the story broke you get the kick in your stomach when you’re going to get the facts and it’s this huge story,” she told Press Gazette. 
“And I walked into the newsroom and they were running an eye-witness account of God-knows who the person was blaming the Ukrainian government, and it is such a volatile situation.” 
Firth, who told Press Gazzete in an interview in 2012 that facts are her “religion”, said: “I said it then, if I was asked to burn the facts and not tell the truth I’d be a goner, and so I’m gone... 
“And it’s the level of disrespect for the facts that really bugs me. 
“And so I made my decision yesterday when we started covering the story and this morning woke up and I just knew that I can’t go back in any more." more 
Lain pula yang berlakunya di negara kita ini. Di ketika rakyat Malaysia berasa amat terkejut dan sangat sedih mengenangkan insiden MH17, masih ada lagi segelintir manusia yang tidak berhati perut dan sangat biadap. 

Lihat printscreen di bawah :


MiM difahamkan bahawa pemilik FB bernama Sim Kwang Yung Sim bukanlah milik yang si empunya nama.


Dan beliau akan membuat laporan polis terhadap pihak yang menyalahgunakan nama beliau.

Walaubagaimana pun, kita dapat mengagak bahawa pihak yang terlibat ialah Red Bean Army DAP.

Ada juga kepimpinan Pemuda Pakatan pembangkang, pakatan pembangkang dan media asing yang begitu naif dan memperbodohkan diri sendiri apabila mempertikaikan route pesawat MH17.

Di bawah adalah jawapannya :


Semoga selepas ini tidak ada lagi suara-suara sumbang yang masih mahu menyalahkan pilot MH17 dan kerajaan Malaysia.

MiM juga mengucapkan selamat jalan kepada petugas-petugas yang akan ke Ukraine. Semoga anda dilindungi oleh Allah swt :




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